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As of February 1st:
To avoid loosing your class pass, you must cancel your reservation 12 hours before the start of class. If you cancel less than 12 hours, or are a no show, you will loose your class pass.
If you have a 30-Day Membership, you can cancel up to 2 hours before the start of class without penalty. If you cancel with less than 2 hours before the start of class or are a no show, you will incur a late cancellation fee. This will be charged to the payment information on file.
Private, semi-private and 'Your Space' require 24 hour notice to avoid cancelation fee. Cancellation fee may be the full cost of the service.
Of course, if there are unique circumstances, email to discuss at
If you have been Late Cancelled or No Show, you will loose that class automatically from your class pass. If you have an Unlimited Pass, there will be a late cancellation fee; $5 for mat class and $10 for reformer class.
Starting in April:
If you have an outstanding balance on your account from previous unpaid classes or late cancellation fees, you will not be able to schedule a class until the balance has been paid. If you believe there has been an error, please email and we'll work together to get the issue corrected.
With the new studio space all the way at the back of EAST, the main doors will be locked at the start of class. If you're running late, text 289-251-4885 before the start of class and we'll do our best to leave the door open for you. Text messages will not be received once class has started.
EAST has lots of studio mats for your use. Pay the $2 rental feel in cash at the front desk or ask to have the fee added to your account.
At EAST, we want your whole experience to be easy & relaxing. EAST has all the needed blocks, straps, blankets, bolsters, balls, bands and weights for each class, regardless of how many people are signed up.
There is always filtered water available to either fill your water bottle or you can use one of our antique mason jars.
At the end of your class, enjoy our complimentary EAST Mat Cleaner. Our mats support us during each practice; the least we can do is clean them once in awhile!
Plus, you'll find complimentary hair elastics and feminine products in the bathrooms.
Arrive early, especially if its your first class...but not too early...
But sometimes life happens and you'll find yourself running late. If you are entering the class late, wait for an appropriate time as to not disturb the class flow. When there is NO front desk staff, the doors will be locked when the class starts. So be on-time as we cannot guarantee the door will be open past the start time of the class.
​Generally, the front door will be open 15 minutes before class and you can go into the studio at that time. If you arrive early, be mindful there might be a class or treatment in progress; please relax in the hang out area at the front and use quiet voices.
The studio rooms are quiet spaces to breathe, move and relax before and after class. Yet we also love to gather, socialise and meet new friends. Please use the front sitting area for quiet conversations while you wait for your class to begin and/or after class. Stay tuned for a total revamp of the front reception area...
Plan to stay for the whole class...
Savasana is an important part of your practice and allows the body to receive the full benefits of your class. But should you have to leave early, let the instructor know and leave before Savasana starts.
No bags or cell phones in the studio...
Please leave all your possessions outside the studio in the cubies provided and ensure your cell phone is on silent. If you are wearing a watch or SmartWatch, please ensure they are on silent also. (or preferably, leave it in your bag)
Remove your shoes...
You'll find benches and shoe storage at the front door. Please remove your shoes before signing in at the front desk.
Tell your instructor of any conditions or injuries...
We can only provide a safe, effective and challenging experience for you IF you inform us of any conditions or injuries you may have. Trust us.
Scent-free space...
No heavy perfumes, oils or colognes.
Bring your own towel, water bottle, and mat (if possible)...
The studio will provide a mat if needed, yet its best to bring your own. A water bottle and towel are always great to have with you in class.
As of March 2022, proof of vaccination and masks are no longer required. We ask you remain diligent, if you don't feel 'right', please stay home for the safety of our community.**
Upon entry and during your stay, please use the hand sanitisers provided.
EAST STUDIO will remain a mask-friendly environment and we encourage people to wear them when they feel comfortable. Whether in the common areas or on your mat, you may remove your mask for your practice or keep it on...up to you and what you're comfortable with.
Its simple...if you're feeling ill, please stay home.
Let's keep everyone healthy so we can keep practicing together!
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